I never thought I'd actually see the day where Ben Weasel sings Screeching Weasel in front of me live and in person.
But he did on Sunday, and a week later, it feels like a dream. I was right there in front of him, singing along, yet somehow my memory eludes me. It's like I don't remember the show, when in fact, I remember all of it at the same time. Like it didn't even happen.
Anyways, it was awesome. I got there a bit late and missed The Guts, who I wanted to see. But I caught the end of The Leftovers' set, which was very awesome. They did a cover of "A Hard Day's Night," which was really good. After them, Shot Baker went up and rocked, as they usually do. They've got a new album coming out this summer, which I look forward to.
Not too much longer after Shot Baker left the stage, Owen from Weasel Radio came out to introduce Ben Weasel. His bandmates came out, then finally, Mr. Weasel came out and opened the night with "Acknowledge" off Screeching Weasel's album, "Emo." Ben Weasel played a little of everything Sunday night, including some Riverdales.
He played the old ones like "Dingbat" and "This Ain't Hawaii" to "I'm Gonna Strangle You," "Cindy's On Methadone," "The First Day of Spring" and "The First Day of Summer." He closed the set with "Cool Kids," elongating the end of the song, giving everyone in the front a chance to sing, "It's a real cool club and you're not a part of it." It was a lot of fun and made me feel a sense of belonging in an adverse sort of way. Like a "We don't need you, so fuck you" kind of sense. It was nice.
But before I forget, towards the end of the set, Ben told us a story about this rumor of how he hated getting donuts thrown at him on stage, and he said it wasn't true and that nothing of the sort ever even happened. So, following that statement, he brought out boxes and boxes of chocolate donut gems and glazed donuts. I was lucky enough to get the first one tossed out, so I wanted to make sure I hit Ben with it. (Sorry, but at the same time, thanks!) Got him in the chest. I can't imagine how much of a pain in the ass Reggie's was to clean after the show, but it was a lot of fun, and well worth the sticky mess.
Afterwards, my girl took me to this place called "Berlin" where they were holding "Prince Night." I have to admit, it's the first time I've ever been to a gay bar. It kind of felt like I was trapped in a shitty 80s movie all night. The worst part of the night was trying to piss with a line of gay dudes standing behind me. I'm pee shy in straight bars, OK. I was a bit more nervous in the new setting. Regardless, it was a good time.
Pictures are of Ben Weasel and Larry Livermore with Little Type (of Lookout! Records!!!). Oh yeah, and thank you, Little Type (pictured with Larry Livermore), for the buttons!