Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Supercrush - 'Lifted/Melt Into You (Drift Away)' 7''

By Jason Duarte
Release date: 10/24/2013
7''/digital download: Bedside Records
Rating: 4.5/5

Earlier this year, I stumbled across a new band out of Vancouver called Supercrush, featuring Mark Palm of Modern Charms on vocals and guitars. I listened to their debut song, "Lifted," and was immediately lost in shoegaze fuzz pop by way of the early- to mid-'90s. The heavy distortion on the guitars open the tune, which is kicked in by two powerful snare and bass drum hits. The entire song is built on a foundation of the catchy opening verse, keeping it moving, yet cyclical; like actually being in a fuzzy dream sequence. Lead guitar and guest female vocals are woven into the dreamscape to give the song beautiful depth before it's over.

"Melt Into You (Drift Away)" is the B side. This one is driving from the start and it's laden with consistent pop leads that swell throughout most of the track. Dual guitar leads lay it on thick after 1:00 and then the song peaks. At the breakdown 2/3 of the way through, the song rides a wave of overlapping guitar and vocals until the song fades to close. This release holds appeal to a broad audience and is a candidate for the top single of 2013. Keep an eye on these guys and stream the single below.